As an avid jerky-lover since the start of his training, Gary Richards, Junior Amateur Champion from Maelor Boxing Club, will be joining the journey to jerky world-domination, as our second #brandambassador!

As part of the Welsh Junior Boxing Team, Gary is the ultimate example of how jerky can help you, not only with weight loss, but also to stay strong & healthy! Here is why…

Who are you?

Gary Richards, 16 years old, lives in St. Martins – been boxing for over 6 years.

How did you get into boxing?

A few of my family members boxed before me, so it has always been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember!

Why do you think looking after yourself is important?

Looking after myself gives me a lot of confidence & boosts my self-esteem, which therefore enhances my performance in the ring!

What do you think is your greatest achievement?

Winning a Silver in the British Three Nations on my first attempt.

Do you have a role model?

Muhammed Ali.

What made you try jerky?

I have been eating it as long as I have been training – it’s great for an after-training snack.

Do you eat our jerky as a healthy & to #DiscoverYourStrength? If so, why?

Yes, I definitely see jerky as a healthy snack – it helps aid my recovery, as the protein in it helps with preventing injury. The quicker I recover the less affect it has on my performance as an athlete.

It helps that it tastes good too!

What is your favourite Trailhead Get Jerky flavour & why?

Teriyaki because of its sweet taste.